libepoxy | | Library for OpenGL function pointer management |
libexif | | EXIF file library |
libexif-gtk | | EXIF file library (GTK2 interface) |
libfpx | | Library for reading and writing FlashPix images |
libgdiplus | | Implementation of the GDI+ API |
libggi | | General Graphics Interface library is a flexible drawing library |
libggigcp | | Color management extension for GGI |
libggimisc | | Miscellaneous graphics target features for GGI |
libggiwmh | | Windows Manager hints library for GGI |
libgii | | General Input Interface - API for all possible input sources |
libgiigic | | General Input Configurator for GGI |
libheif | | HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder library |
libhighway | | C++ library for SIMD |
libimagequant | | High-quality conversion of RGBA images to 8-bit indexed-color |
libimagequant-c | | Conversion of RGBA images to 8-bit indexed-color (2.x, C-only) |
libiptcdata | | Library to parse IPTC metadata |
libjpeg-turbo | | Accelerated libjpeg with SIMD instructions |
libkdcraw | | KDE digital camera raw image library wrapper |
libkexiv2 | | KDE wrapper around exiv2 |
libkipi | | KDE image plugin interface |
libksane | | SANE Library interface for KDE |
liblqr | | Content-aware image resizing library |
libmpeg3 (V) | | MPEG decoding library and tools |
libmypaint | | Library for making brushstrokes |
libotf | | Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF) |
libpano13 | | Cross-platform library behind Panorama Tools and other stitchers |
libpgf | | Progressive Graphics File (PGF) library |
libpuzzle | | Libpuzzle is designed to quickly find visually similar images |
libraw | | Raw decoding/processing library |
librsvg | | SVG library for GNOME |
librsvg-c | | SVG library for GNOME (2.40.xx branch, C only) |
libsixel | | DEC SIXEL graphics codec encoder/decoder and converter |
libspiro | | Simplifies the drawing of beautiful curves |
libv4l | | Video4Linux userspace library |
libvideogfx | | C++ library for low-level video processing |
libwebp | | WebP image format library and tools |
libwmf | | Library for reading and converting WMF (Windows Meta Files) |
libXaw (V) | | X Athena Widgets Library from modular Xorg X11 |
libxmi | | C/C++ function library for rasterizing 2D vector graphics |
libXpm (V) | | X PixMap Library from modular Xorg X11 |
ljpeg | | Lossless JPEG codec |
lsix | | Like ls, but for images |
luminance-hdr | | GUI application that aims to provide a workflow for HDR imaging |
luv-icon-theme | | Flat but complex icon theme |
lxde-icon-theme | | LXDE icon theme |
lximage-qt | | Image viewer and screenshot tool for the LXQt desktop |
lxqt-themes | | Themes, graphics and icons for LXQt |
magicpoint | | X11 based presentation tool |
mandelbulber | | 3D fractal explorer |
mate-backgrounds | | Set of backgrounds packaged with the MATE desktop |
mate-icon-theme | | Collection of icons used as the basis for MATE themes |
mate-icon-theme-faenza | | Faenza and Faience icon themes for MATE desktop |
mate-themes | | Icons and themes for MATE desktop |
materia-gtk-theme | | Material Design theme for GTK based desktop environments |
matugen | | Material you color generation tool |
MesaDemos | | OpenGL examples and Demos |
MesaLib | | Open source OpenGL implementation |
metacam | | Digital camera image meta-information reader |
mgl | | Graphics library for NEC Mobilegear/PocketBSD, NetBSD/hpcmips |
mng | | Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) reference library |
mojoshader | | Library to move calls to Direct3D shaders to OpenGL |
moka-icon-theme | | Simple and bright icon theme |
mpeg2codec | | MPEG Software Simulation Group's MPEG-2 Encoder and Decoder |
mpgtx | | Split and join MPEG files in various ways |
mscgen | | Tool for drawing call sequence graphs |
mtpaint | | Painting program and photo editor |
mygui | | Cross-platform library for creating GUIs for games and 3D programs |
mypaint | | Fast and easy open-source graphics application for digital painters |
mypaint-brushes | | Default MyPaint brushes |
mypaint-brushes1 | | Default MyPaint brushes (v1) |
ncview | | Visual browser for netCDF format files |
netpbm | | Toolkit for conversion of images between different formats |
Ngraph | | The 2D graph and data analysis program |
ns-cult3d | | Netscape plugin for cult 3d files |
nsxiv | | Neo (or New or Not) Simple (or Small or Suckless) X Image Viewer |
numix-gtk-theme | | Modern flat theme with a combination of light and dark elements |
numix-icon-theme | | Numix icon theme |
numix-icon-theme-circle | | Numix Circle icon theme |
nuppelvideo (V) | | Fast and simple RTjpeg-based video capture program |
nvidia-texture-tools | | Texture processing tools with support for Direct3D 10 and 11 formats |
nvtv | | Tool to manipulate TV-Out settings on NVidia cards |
ocaml-cairo | | Bindings for OCaml to the cairo library |
ocrad | | GNU OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program |
oculante | | Minimalistic crossplatform image viewer written in rust |
opencolorio | | Color management solution |
opencsg | | Image based CSG rendering library using OpenGL |
opencv | | Library for computer vision problems |
opencv-contrib-face | | OpenCV face recognition contributed module |
opendis | | Download images from Flashpoint Digita-based cameras |
openexr | | High dynamic-range (HDR) image file format library and tools |
openimageio | | C++ library for reading and writing images |
openjpeg | | JPEG 2000 library |
OpenJPH | | Open-source implementation of JPEG2000 Part-15 |
OpenRM | | The OpenRM Scene Graph API |
optipng | | Advanced PNG Optimizer |
osg | | High performance 3D graphics toolkit |
oxipng | | Multithreaded PNG optimizer |
oxygen (V) | | KDE Oxygen style |
oxygen-icons | | Oxygen icon set for the KDE integrated X11 desktop |
p5-Apache-Gallery (V) | | Perl5/Apache module for handling image directories |